Penis Enlargement Pills That Really Work!

Is it advisable to believe every claim made by companies selling penis enlargement pills? Before purchasing these penis pills, you need to do some homework. Checking reviews on the internet and consulting with your physician can help you to decide if the penis pills you have chosen will enlarge your penis or cause dangerous side effects.

In the recent past the Food and Drug Administration recalled two of the popular penis pills. Research showed that there was a dangerous drop in blood pressure when these pills were consumed. Dangerous interaction with some prescribed medications is one important fact to consider before you purchase and take these pills.

There are three types of male enhancement products.

Herbal-The herbal products contain herbs such as catuaba, ginseng, gingko biloba, maca, horny goat weed and zinc. Patches are supposed to deliver the herbs into the blood via the skin. Creams also deliver the herbs into the blood through the skin.

There are risks to consider before taking penis pills. Research has shown that the pills and patches are subject to interaction with some of the prescribed drugs being taken. It is not safe to take natural, herbal penis pills if you are taking Viagra.

The claims of some of the pills state they will improve sexual performance, give you the sex drive and stamina of a healthy teenager and have orgasms so intense you will be thrilled. They offer a money-back guarantee for their products. There are also claims that a specific pill addresses the actual cause of the problem rather than just masking symptoms.

There have been studies that claim their penis pills have the following results.

More frequent erections firmer erections increased frequency of partner penetration an increase in maintaining an erection after penetration erections that lasted throughout intercourse increased confidence in having and maintaining an erectionViagra is one of the early penis pills that has been prescribed for erectile dysfunction. It works by increasing the blood flow to the penis. By relaxing blood vessels a larger amount of blood can flow to the corpus cavernosum. This is the part of the penis that has the most blood. Viagra should not be taken if you take other nitrates or any of the medications that thins your blood.

Cialis became a popular penis pill as it entered as a second generation medication. The active ingredient, vardenafil HCL will relax the muscles of the penis and increase the blood flow.

Levitra is the newest prescription medication for erectile dysfunction. According to literature, it acts by relaxing muscles and increasing blood flow. It should not be taken by patients with a heart condition. It has been known to increase blood thinning and cause heart palpitations and low blood pressure.

Herbal Remedies

There are several non-prescription herbal remedies for erectile dysfunction. Saw palmetto and ginseng are known to increase blood flow. Damiana and Yohimbe extract function by increasing nerve sensitivity and sexual response. It is important to discuss side effects with your physician before taking any erectile dysfunction treatments.

While it is said that herbal remedies have fewer side effects as well as less risky side effects than prescribed medications, you should not begin using these penis pills for your erectile dysfunction without proper consultation with your primary care physician. You should also include the name of any herbals in your list of medications when you visit your health care professional.

Do not be swayed by the amount of advertising that you hear on radio and tv, or read on the internet. Investigate reviews and discuss all of the possibilities with your doctor. Be sure you are taking the right prescription or herbal to help your physical issues or deal with your emotional issues.

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